HFM Global Trading


HFM takes great pride in providing high-quality services and engaging in business practices that are ethical and environmentally conscious. We abide by clearly stated shared standards for our performance, take part in several activities that encourage sustainability, and look for new methods to improve all the time. Our Board’s health, safety, environment, and community and human rights (HSEC) committee oversees sustainability at HFM at the highest level. Our HSEC risk management methodology offers a standard method for locating, evaluating, and controlling HSEC risks and opportunities.

We care about the present and future welfare, health, and well-being of our employees, our business partners, and the communities in which we operate, in accordance with our Guiding Principles.

In all our international operations, we observe and follow local laws and environmental requirements. We encourage our corporate partners to join us in supporting various non-profit groups locally and abroad, and we encourage our staff to take part in charity endeavours.

Guiding Principles

All of HFM’s actions are based on its guiding principles. Our connections with each other and with our business partners are built on integrity. Sustainable development is much more than just a theory in an industry where successful commercial partnerships are based on trust and longevity. Instead, it represents what is actually done every day in real life.

Effective Management

To support sustainable growth, we create tools, training, and barriers.

Effective Management

Create mechanisms for the organization to support responsible sourcing.

Creativity Judgement

We are a team of international entrepreneurs who thrive on innovation and embrace change.

Employee Welfare

We are concerned for our employees’ present and future welfare, health, and well-being as well as those of our business partners and the communities in which we operate.


To work together toward shared objectives, we assemble committed individuals into strong, agile teams who value productivity. While having fun, we create enduring relationships.


We respect one another, encourage open communication, and are supportive of one another. We are proud of our achievements and grow from them.